Equitable development is an approach to creating healthy, vibrant, communities of opportunity. Equitable outcomes come about when smart, intentional strategies are put in place to ensure that everyone can participate in and benefit from decisions that shape their neighborhoods and regions.
This online toolkit -- referred to as EDTK -- includes 27 tools to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote equitable revitalization. Click below to view all tools or by issue area.
Tool Groups
Affordable Housing
Ensure access to good jobs and opportunities to save and build assets to increase community health and stability.
Economic Opportunity
Strong, vibrant neighborhoods provide a diverse mix of housing options. Use these strategies to ensure that existing residents can stay as neighborhood markets revive and to stabilize distressed neighborhoods.
Health Equity and Place
Where you live, work, and play has a major impact on health — and living in a distressed neighborhood contributes to health inequities. Implement these tools to reduce environmental risk and build health-promoting neighborhoods.
Land Use and Environment
Land use planning drives public and private development decisions, both in housing and commercial markets. These strategies ensure that new development meets residents' needs and creates healthy community environments.