Affordable Housing
Based on a workshop, this is an umbrella tool that introduces advocates to affordable housing strategies and helps them match their goals with appropriate tools. (Created January 2007)
Based on a workshop, this is an umbrella tool that introduces advocates to affordable housing strategies and helps them match their goals with appropriate tools. (Created January 2007)
Can be an important tool for protecting tenants. (Created March 2002)
Co-op models targeted to low- income residents can offer financial benefits and experience in running a democratically- controlled enterprise. (Created February 2002)
Preserve affordable rental units by protecting subsidized housing units with expiring contracts. (Created August 2002)
Implement these laws to protect renters against being unfairly evicted by landlords who want to capitalize on the rental/housing market. (Created March 2002)
Protections to slow the pace of rapidly escalating rental prices. (Created December 2001)