Economic Opportunity

  • public://CDCs-resident-shareholders.jpg

    CDCs with Resident Shareholders

    Offers low-income residents the opportunity to own equity in real estate projects spearheaded by CDCs. (Created November 2001)

  • public://community-mapping.jpg

    Community Mapping

    Mapping can be used to advocate for community benefits, convey development opportunities, track vacant properties, and more. (Created April 2001)

  • public://employer-assisted-housing.jpg

    Employer-Assisted Housing

    Most EAH programs provides rental assistance or increases the housing in the surrounding community for an employer's workers. (Created October 2007)

  • public://living-wage-provisions_0.jpg

    Living Wage Provisions

    Ordinances that ensure the employees of public/private contractors receiving public sector funding, and public employees are paid wages at pace with regional cost of living measures. (Created December 2001)

  • public://local-hiring.jpg

    Local Hiring

    An array of strategies that connect economically marginalized communities to regional job opportunities. (Created August 2002)

  • public://minority-contracting.jpg

    Minority Contracting

    Ensures that healthy local businesses owned by people of color are a basic component of strong, sustainable communities. (Created August 2002)

  • public://PL-grocery-store-owners.jpg

    Resident-Owned CDFIs

    Resident-owned community financial institutions build assets for low-income residents. (Created February 2002)

  • public://transit-oriented-development_0.jpg

    Transit Oriented Development

    How to implement TOD -- mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented communities located around public transit stations -- in a way that achieves equity goals. (Created April 2008)